FILLED: Newborn Care Specialist June 2021 | Princeton, NJ


Family Expecting June 9, 2021 in Princeton, NJ. They are looking for 5 nights a week 12 hour shifts for 12 weeks with the option to extend. A small private apartment provided down the street for day time off time. This is their second child. They have a 2.5 year old in the house. You will need some domestic travel. This family is relocating to Montecito, California in September but will be bi coastal.

Must: Be Covid safe and preference for those vaccinated. 5-7 years of NCS hands on experience. Be able to travel to other countries with no problem.

If you are currently registered with Modern Minders (have been full screened and interviewed with us) and are interested in this role please send your professional Modern Minders’ resume to us by clicking the button below.

Not registered with Modern Minders?

Click the button below to start the process.

*Please note only candidates that we feel fit the role will be contacted directly.

*Please note that all candidates interested in working with our families will need to submit themselves to Covid-19 testing prior to working. Also when working with infant you must be up to date with all vaccinations including the flu shot and T-Dap.