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10 Tips for Traveling with Children | Nanny Approved

10 Tips for Traveling with Children | Nanny Approved

Between strollers, extra bags, keeping children occupied before, during and after the flight we have complied a helpful list of tips and tricks to aid even the most seasoned traveler. Whether is be by car, by plane or boat we have got you covered! We asked some our travel nannies their go to advise and these 10 tips rang true in our survey. check them out!

5 Tips to Nail that Virtual Nanny Interview Like the Pro You Are!

5 Tips to Nail that Virtual Nanny Interview Like the Pro You Are!

Virtual interview options like Zoom, Skype, Facetime, Google Hangout, and Whataspp interviewing has become the norm. Just because these interviews aren’t in person, doesn’t mean they should be taken any less seriously. 5 Tips to Nail that virtual Interview Like the Pro You Are!