5 Tips to Nail that Virtual Nanny Interview Like the Pro You Are!

5 Tips to Nail that Virtual Nanny Interview Like the Pro You Are!

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With more and more families leading busy lifestyles, many are opting for virtual interview options. Zoom, Skype, Facetime, Google Hangout, and Whataspp interviewing has become more and more common. Just because these interviews aren’t in person, doesn’t mean they should be taken any less seriously. With these five tips you are sure to knock your virtual interview out of the park!


This is so important.  We can’t tell you how many times we get login information that is really inappropriate.  Your email address, Skype, Zoom or whatever app. you are using username make all the difference. You don’t want to give any family or potential employer a reason to question your professionalism. Some suggestions are things like your first and last name and a special number combination or something that like “Katenightnanny@gmail.com”. Whatever you choose for the love of all things please do not use “kittycat” or “spicegirls1”.


Test out the location you will be interviewing before your interview. Make sure you have a flawless connection to Wifi and check that your device is functioning properly.   Make sure the sound is working on your device. This is especially important for phone interviews. Nothing is more distracting than not being able to hear a candidate or watching them fumble with earbuds.


We understand you are in a more casual environment for your interview, however that doesn’t mean you dress any less impressive.   Treat a virtual interview just like you would an in person interview when it comes to dress. Rule of thumb, if someone can see you dress the part. That goes for tops and bottoms. Above all be yourself!


Focusing on creating a space that is WELL LIT, QUIET,and an uninterrupted space. Turn off that TV, put your cell phone on silent, shut windows if you are by a busy street and make arrangements for children and animals to be away from your interview area.  No car interviews and DO NOT roam around IE. walking down a busy street or around your home while interviewing. If you must interview in a coffee shop, please do yourself a favor and find your local library or in larger cities they have co-working spaces that has rooms you may sign out or rent that are quiet and sound proof.


We can’t stress enough to candidates that doing your research and being prepared is KEY to acing your virtual interview. Google some sample interview questions that have to do with the position you are interviewing for, find a family member or friend that is willing to practice your virtual interview with you, and practice proper body language. The more you prepare the more at ease you will be

Do you have more questions about how to prepare for an important interview? Feel free to reach out! We are happy to help answer any questions you may have! Click here to email us more questions.