FILLED: Brooklyn, NYC | Full Time Nanny For High Profile Family in the Entertainment Industry


HP Brooklyn Family+ Full Time + Fun Nanny = Dream Job!

Full-Time nanny job in Brooklyn, NY for high-profile family, 8-6 Mon-Fri, up to $30+ an hour gross through payroll or DOE, nightly travel stipend, sick days, holidays, vacation days, monthly health insurance stipend, 1 toddler age child and a baby coming 2020. NCS will be there for 3/4 months for the baby, toddler will be starting preschool then, a second nanny will be hired potentially at that point. The nanny will not be asked to be with both kids at the same time. The family really doesn't want it to be too much for one person. Everything is walking distance from their home in Brooklyn. Furthest thing is 20 min walk, so someone who is active, who likes to be active with children, able to go to the playground and keep a close eye out. This new person needs to have good energy. This family is extremely private. Key highlights: they want someone to read books, teach manners, be very interactive. Only books in the house, just arts and crafts, games, playground, classes, one night a week the family would like to have the nanny stay a little later so they can go on a date. This family doesn’t travel a lot, however some overnights may be required. They don't go on long trips away without the children, no animals in the home, long term, loving, someone to grow with the family. They really need a PRO.

12/18/19- applications submissions are closed for this position ! Thank you for all the interested we will reach out to those who we are sending forth for interviews.

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