Covid 19 Tips — Nanny Agency | Los Angeles, New York City | Modern Minders

APNA Covid-19 Risk Tolerance Scale

APNA Covid-19 Risk Tolerance Scale

FREE download! Know your level of comfort when it comes to having someone come into your home. This amazing info graphic from the Association of Premiere Nanny Agencies saves families time and worry so everyone is on the same page.

Tips For Nannies Working With Parents At Home During The Coronavirus Pandemic

Modern Minders understands that the Covid-19 has affected families across the world in many different ways. One of the biggest challenges has been finding quality childcare. Telework and working remotely has become the norm with many companies not only allowing their employees to work remotely, some even extending this option indefinitely. Nannies are finding themselves faced with a different type of challenge then they’re used to.

COVID-19 UPDATES and NEW Policies Effective March 13, 2020

COVID-19 UPDATES and NEW Policies Effective March 13, 2020

Our Founder Kate will be reevaluating and adjust based on guidance from the health department, CDC and other resources regularly and will keep you updated as additional information becomes available. Please find below information and guidance regarding the new Coronavirus, now known as COVID-19, first identified in late December 2019.  COVID-19 is spread through close person-to person contact, which directly affects the domestic workers industry.