Nanny tips — Nanny Agency | Los Angeles, New York City | Modern Minders

How to become a nanny in Los Angeles: The good, the bad and the poopy!

How to become a nanny in Los Angeles: The good, the bad and the poopy!

How do I become a celebrity Nanny? How do get I get a job with a high profile family in Los Angeles? How do I become a nanny? We receive Phone calls and emails that ask these questions on the regular. However, this is only a small piece of the big nanny picture when trying to become a nanny in Los Angeles.

Don’t Need Full-Time Childcare? Eight Tips For Hiring A Part-Time Nanny

Don’t Need Full-Time Childcare? Eight Tips For Hiring A Part-Time Nanny

Don’t Need Full-Time Childcare? Eight Tips For Hiring A Part-Time Nanny

Finding a part-time nanny can be frustrating. There are a lot of factors to consider when finding a part-time nanny. We have come up with 8 tips for hiring a part-time nanny.

Addressing The Tough Topics of Race, Tolerance and Social Injustice; Kids' Books Curated By Our Incredible Nannies.

Addressing The Tough Topics of Race, Tolerance and Social Injustice; Kids' Books Curated By Our Incredible Nannies.

We have put together our top list of favorite books that address some tough topics about race, tolerance and social injustice that have helped our own family; curated by some of our incredible nannies.

Tips For Nannies Working With Parents At Home During The Coronavirus Pandemic

Modern Minders understands that the Covid-19 has affected families across the world in many different ways. One of the biggest challenges has been finding quality childcare. Telework and working remotely has become the norm with many companies not only allowing their employees to work remotely, some even extending this option indefinitely. Nannies are finding themselves faced with a different type of challenge then they’re used to.