Press — Nanny Agency | Los Angeles, New York City | Modern Minders

Addressing The Tough Topics of Race, Tolerance and Social Injustice; Kids' Books Curated By Our Incredible Nannies.

Addressing The Tough Topics of Race, Tolerance and Social Injustice; Kids' Books Curated By Our Incredible Nannies.

We have put together our top list of favorite books that address some tough topics about race, tolerance and social injustice that have helped our own family; curated by some of our incredible nannies.

COVID-19 UPDATES and NEW Policies Effective March 13, 2020

COVID-19 UPDATES and NEW Policies Effective March 13, 2020

Our Founder Kate will be reevaluating and adjust based on guidance from the health department, CDC and other resources regularly and will keep you updated as additional information becomes available. Please find below information and guidance regarding the new Coronavirus, now known as COVID-19, first identified in late December 2019.  COVID-19 is spread through close person-to person contact, which directly affects the domestic workers industry.