Top Five Tips To Get Noticed By That Nanny Agency! | Modern Minders Agency Los Angeles New York

Top Five Tips To Get Noticed By That Nanny Agency!

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We get asked all the time what our best suggestions on how to catch the eye of that agency you are trying to register with.

Top five tips to help you kick that door down!

1) Follow directions.

When applying make sure you are following the directions. Every agency is different and usually has their screening steps clearly listed on the website. Do some digging and make sure you are sending your resume to to the right place.

2) Have an easy to read resume.

Resume- every agency is different make sure you check out how an agency would like your resume formatted before you hit that submit button. Make sure ALL your information is listed on your resume with little to no grammatical errors.

Don't have a resume? You are in luck! Check out our FREE template on our website.

3) Professional email writing.

Keep your intro email short and simple and list clearly what you are looking for in your initial email. Follow up only once if in agency doesn't respond, some agencies ONLY respond to candidates that fit their current job load.

4) Communication.

We all have a tendancey to get relaxed, especially when we are in the bussiness of building relationships. It is important to keep it professional, even if you really want to write β€œHey Girl what is up!!”. Em I right? We are totally guilty of this as well. Open communication is key but showing you are professional 100 percent of the time is also important. Even when you may be frustrated with your job search.

5) Be yourself.

Be yourself don't get nervous and be patient. We are here to help you ever step of the way. Promise!

For more tip and tricks check follow us on Instagram or subscribe to our blog.