Let's Talk About Reference Letters. How to get them. What to do with them when you get them.

Let's Talk About Reference Letters.


Why you need them. How to get them. What to do with them when you get them.

YOU GUYS! Let’s talk about reference letters! Why and are they important?

The answer is YES! Having them saves you and agencies a lot of time when it comes to vetting you. Not to mention it helps highlight special moments a family may have had with you that we can't ask about.

✅ FACTS: There are things agencies can't ask your references and many times we can only actually verify basic info like "did you work there?", "what dates?", basic things like this.

✅ FACTS: We have never met a family that is hesitant about giving a letter if you did a great job.

✅ WHY YOU NEED THEM: Many times candidates who have letters get jobs over those that don't. FACTS.

Here at some tips for you when collecting those letters, submitting those letters to agencies and families, and last which to include when applying.

COLLECTION: Ask ahead of time and give yourself some time for parents to get them written. Make sure they they are dated, contained contact info or method of contact if they don't want their info given out, and make sure they are signed. DO NOT use emails.

BE PROACTIVE: Have a clause in your work agreement that upon completion of your assignment or employment they will supply a letter to you.

COMPACT YOUR LETTERS: Have a million letters? Turn those letters into PDF formatting and put them into ONE document. SUPER easy there are a bunch of apps that do this on your phone. Parents and agencies will love you for this. Pro tip: also COMPRESS this document so the file isn't HUGE. We have linked a few here but you can also use Adobe.

PUT THEM IN ORDER: Make sure they are in order with most recent first and those that are more then 10 years ago, those should be last.

SIGNATURES: Letters that are signed actually hold more weight then those that aren’t.

Want more tips or have a question? Ask us anything. Hello@modernminders.com