FILLED | Full Time Nanny Needed | Pacific Palicades, CA


Great Family + Adorable Kids = Amazing Long Term Nanny Job

Full-Time Pacific Palisades (live in or Live out if you live alone or with a partner that works from home). Kids 3 and 6 years old. 8:00am-6:00pm if the kids don't go back to private schools. As of yesterday the 3 year old would be attending preschool. 6 year old TBD. If the kids are in school the job is 11:00am-7:00pm. House chores, loading and unloading the dish washer, children's laundry, organizing kids toys, supplies and rooms. You will be in charge of keeping the nanny car clean and maintained. Must have a clean driving record nanny car provided. Must have 5 plus years of nanny experience. Must have 3 references of past nanny employers. They prefers someone who lives alone but can have a roommate if roommate works from home. $25.00 an hour via payroll and over time via payroll, $150.00 a month towards an insurance plan, 5 sick days, 7 paid holidays, Week paid vacation which you can take once you've been employed one year.

If you are interested in this position, please send your professional Modern Minders resume by clicking the bottom below.

If you are currently registered with Modern Minders (have been full screened and met with us) and are interested in this role please send your professional Modern Minders’ formatted resume to

Please list the title of the position you are interested in, in the subject of your email and in the body include your Modern Minders resume why you feel you would be a great fit for the family and your desired rate.

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